Tuesday, June 06, 2006

060606 - tHe oMen...

wahaha...wat a nice day...i am going to post a lot today....

firstly of cos talking about my workplace lo...as usual...me and my dear fren will e-meowing each other during working hours....and i jus realise tat the new attachment boy from NTU is asking info about me from the guy colleague...which is my dear pal de boyfren...wahaha....

her bf told her last week...but she forget to told me...."chiam, who is the tall tall ger sitting at de same row as you ar??" tis is not de main point...the main point is "she quite pretty ler..." wahaha.......shy sia.....*^.^*

hehe....actually notice him long long time ago man...keep peeping me...i thought is my illusion...not bad sia...somemore tons of people saying he is good la..very nice character la...bla bla bla...but watever...he oni stay for 2 and a half month if i am not wrong...=P

oh ya...go back print screen and save de envidence here...can happy secretly for quite a while le...hoho...^^

oOps...confidence overload...=X


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